Saturday 6 January 2018

Minor/Major Project: Fae Folk - Influence and Initial Sketches

I've been struggling with the design for the fae, as I didn't want them to look like typical fairies (humans with wings) and wanted to give them a look that showed their attachment to nature and plants. I already knew I wanted pixies/goblins to be a "corrupt" version of fairies - while fairies have dubious morality, pixies/goblins are usually evil. My first few sketches I experimented with the idea of fae wearing objects given to them as offerings, but found this took too much from the natural look.

After some thought, I imagined the fairies as spirits who had taken human-like forms in order to communicate with (or manipulate) humans. Their flesh would be made from fungus and mushrooms and their bones made of twigs. This would make them appropriately delicate and small but still magical and otherworldly. After time, the fungus and twigs would grow out of control, turning to the fairies into the corrupt pixies and goblins.

1 comment:

  1. I've loving the mushroom shapes and the wooden textures!
