Thursday 14 December 2017

Minor/Major Project: Wendigo Modelling Progress

After speaking to Alan on Tuesday, he advised me on a better method of modelling that would allow me to capture the details (wrinkles, skin folds) of the wendigo that involves extruding planes. This method is arguably more time consuming at the moment, but should result in a more accurate model.

 There's been a lot of going back and forth with the face so far, mainly due to some inaccuracies between the front and side views in my orthographs, but I now have the beginnings of a brow and chin.

I've used the same method to create the ribs on the body. They still need some work but overall look better than they did on the first attempt.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eleanor. Download this model...

    Part 5: Pose Space Corrective Blend Shapes
